Thursday, May 3, 2012

Homeschool Chumash: Lech Lecha Passuk 12

Homeschool Chumash: Lech Lecha Passuk 12

Naomi Rivka learning Chumash. This is a passuk (verse) we've been working on for about a month - since just after Pesach. Our step-by-step method is: First, vocabulary - using homemade cut-ups, examine some of the new or tricky words. Second, read the passuk through, line by line, in Hebrew and English. Third, read line by line in Hebrew only. Finally, close the book and say the entire passuk from memory. Meanwhile, we work on exercises in our Bright Beginnings Workbook. When we are first starting a passuk, we don't do it from memory, but instead, say it 3 times together without looking at the book.